
Holiday EtsyFest

The Holiday EtsyFest is an Etsy wide sale on November 27 (my birthday and Thanksgiving) - December 1. There are a TON of Etsy shops participating and I am one of them. I'm still thinking hard about what my sale will be - but rest assured it will be worth your time to come do some shopping then.

And just in time for some promotions for this sale both of my shops were included in the same treasury for the Holiday EtsyFest! I'm flattered. In fact - it included two of my favorite items. It included my Green Goddess Yarn from Woolyhands and my Green Oribtal necklace from Idyllhands. Hoorah!Psst - if you want to be a part of this sale, and you do, go here to read about it: http://www.etsy.com/forums_thread.php?thread_id=5903305
and go here to sign up: http://www.etsy.com/forums_thread.php?thread_id=5903349

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