

I'm kind of... okay... very excited to announce that I am the featured artist of the week on the AREtsy Street Team (Arkansas Street Team) blog here. I was all giddy when it was posted this evening. You all should read it and stuff... because it's cool!

Today was day 7 in the Yarn Everyday in April challenge and yes, I spun yarn. I'm going to ply it up tomorrow with some thread and poofs of wool and hopefully have my first, true, art yarn. If it turns out in real life like I'm picturing it in my head, I'll be a very happy girly.

I'll leave you with my Etsy purchase of the evening -

It's from moonrover and I couldn't NOT have it. My heart melted when I saw her post it on Flickr. This is going to be knit into the most fabulous scarf to ever grace the streets of Fayetteville next year. See it here.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Wow, that yarn is beautiful! I love it!!