I think they fit well into my shop and I'm quite happy with their outcome. Now, provided I can find a good spot to photograph my jewelry tomorrow, I'll list them in my shop by tomorrow evening. I only have two things working against me - my camera has died and I'm using The Sweet Boy's camera (note the learning curve) and I've moved away from the PERFECTLY worn window sill that I was using before.
Picture taking may never be the same.
They are bea-u-tiful. ;)
those are gorgeous!
wow, they are stunning!!
Oh geez, thank you all. *blushes*
They really are great.
Beautiful!! And they absolutely do fit in well with your shop. All of your work has a consistent thread woven through it that is very distinctive and has your signature.
Wow - thanks again :) I'm really having fun with this design. I love working with wire and beads but sometimes don't want that to be the main body of the jewelry. These necklaces allow me to branch out a bit but still stay true to my style.
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