
Hello from Little Rock

*pokes head into the blogging room* I'm still alive and still reading all of your blogs, I just haven't blogged since heading down to Little Rock. Oh, and I've been tagged as well - so I promise to attend to the tagging duties just as soon as I can (hopefully tomorrow).

For those sitting on the edge of your seat with anticipation, my mom is doing GREAT after quite the intensive surgery on Monday morning. It took 5 hours but the surgeon feels he removed most of the tumor and we're already seeing a difference in her actions. You know, I felt great prior to the surgery at my mom's choice to do it and I feel even better now knowing it was the best choice. We hope to head home, with mom, on Friday to check her in two some in-patient physical therapy for a couple of weeks and then back to my sister's home for the continuation of treatment.

Thank you all for your prayers and thoughts this week.

And also let me plug UAMS in Little Rock. It's been amazing. There are doctors EVERYWHERE you turn. This is a good thing and not what we were used to compared to what we experienced back home at 2 different hospitals.

My sister and my aunt have been here and when we couldn't be with my mom (recovery visiting hours were few and far between) we've been hitting up local yarn shops, crafts shops, shops of odd things, shops of not so odd things, and tasty eating establishments. I'd MUCH rather be here under other circumstances, but it has kept our mind off of things.

Anyways, 'tis bedtime so I'm off so I can rest up and be ready to tag some of you tomorrow. Goodnight.


Dianna said...

Glad to hear things are going well for you down there. Can't wait for you to return back to your regularly scheduled program. ;)

Anonymous said...

I'm glad to hear that your Mom's surgery went well. It's good that you were able to distract yourself with shopping and such. Keep positive and know that there are people out here thinking of you and your family!

Melodie Ann said...

Yea! I'm glad to hear things went well!

Christina said...

YAY! I am so glad things went well and especially that everyone is feeling really good about it. I'll keep prayers sent your way :) Does your mom need anything? Hats? Let me know.